Our Wedding Details
Below, you can find details about our wedding, from the menu to the dress code, timings and more. If you have any questions about the wedding details, please don’t hesitate to ask.
View our wedding menu to find the options for our special day. From the main meal to the evening food, you can find out everything you need.
Dress Code
View our dress code to find out more about what we would like you to wear for our wedding. Basically, anything but white!
Learn the timings for our wedding day. From the ceremony to the evening party and the time of closing for our guests.
Considering staying with us? We have provided all of the accommodation information you may need to make a booking.
As our wedding venue is in Scarborough, we appreciate people may need travel options. We have provided details here.
Confirm your attendance for our wedding here. If you can't make it, we appreciate your interest and thank you for letting us know!